Lydia’s Story: The Cat That Came Back

cat with furry tail

Cat Reincarnation Story

caged cat

Lydia’s is a cat reincarnation story. A super happy little cat, she was stuck in a cage at the animal shelter, but her spirit was undeterred. Lydia waited confidently for her new family to come find her and take her home.

When Sam the toy poodle arrived at the shelter with his human mom, Lydia pressed her whole body against the cage and tried to play with him. Sam also became animated and frolicked about the cage as Lydia purred and leaned heavily against the wiring.

Happy or Sad?

Beth, accompanied by toy poodle Sam, was at the shelter to pick up her beloved cat Max’s ashes when she noticed the little cat. In an animal communication session I told her that her next cat would choose her. I felt that she would not be looking for a cat at the time, adding “but watch for a kitten.”

I know her!

Lydia was very familiar with Beth, showing me pictures of a lifetime they’d had together as neighbors. She sent me the pictures that she had lived three houses down from Beth, who was then a little girl, and she said her encounter with Beth had taught her that animals could be more than just workers (she was a mouser who was not allowed in the house). Animals could also be beloved companions!

“So you are saying that we have been together in other lifetimes?” Beth asked.

“Not exactly together, but acquainted,” I translated.

“Would you ask her if we’ve been together in this lifetime?” she asked.

“She says yes and there is a name that is coming through forcefully. It’s Mini.”

“Wow,” said the stunned Beth. Then she told me the story of Mini.

Who’s Mini?

Mini was a small cat that Beth had been very attached to. It had been difficult to let her go when she passed on. However when she did, she made room at Beth’s house for Max.

“When I went to the same animal shelter I visited yesterday,” she said, “I was there to pick up Mini’s ashes. I visited the cat cages and put my face close to the bars. Max reached out through the bars and patted my face with his paw. I was hooked.”

Circle of Life

Mini’s death had made a place for Max in Beth’s home, and now Max was returning the favor by passing on to make a place for Lydia. The two were connected in a circle of life that made each of their transitions easier on Beth, while serving the needs of each feline friend!

(c)2003 Suzan Vaughn
(no reproduction without permission)

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