Free Animal Communication Tools and Resources
CD’s, Articles, Videos, Guided Meditation
- Free Downloadable Resources including Meditation CD;
- How To Talk To Your Animal Friends E-Book;
- Links to Animal Resources and more
How To Talk to Your Animal Friends: 7 Simple Steps
Animal Healing Movies Using TTouch Tellington Touch
Free Guided Meditation / Visualization to Prepare for Animal Communication
Article: So you want to be an animal communicator? Things to consider
Links: Animal Related Websites and Resource
Animal Stories: Amazing Animal Helpers and Guides
Article: Preparing Your Dog for Kennel Confinement
Article: Kitty Naughty Potty Issues
The Animal Communicator Podcast with Suzan Vaughn
How to Get a Free Animal Communication Reading
Article: 10 Things an Animal Communicator Can Do When it Comes to Lost Pets
Wholistic Pet Practitioners in San Luis Obispo County
Article: Recommended Pet Foods for Optimum Health
Photos: Cat Enclosures: Keeping Your Kitty Safe Outside
Trailer for Dispatches from the Ark: Pages from a Pet Psychic’s Notebook
The Animal Communicator’s Blog