We do not offer lost animal sessions internationally.
USA only at this time.
10 Things an Animal Communicator Can Do
Finding lost animals and missing pets and guiding them home is one of the most challenging situations owners and animal communicators face. Circumstances, surroundings, hiding places, and environmental changes mean your animal may constantly be on the move. That’s why it’s important to make sure your animal carries identification whenever possible.
However, if your animal does become lost, there are things an animal communicator can do, and there are some things we cannot do.
Animal Communicators “shape shift” into the consciousness of your animal friends in order to see what they have seen or are seeing. We can:
- See what they’ve seen along their journey.
- Find out if they hooked up with human help or assistance.
- Ask if they got into a car.
- Find out how long they traveled to get to where they are now.
- Send the animal a telepathic message like a string of energy to follow homeward.
- Give you a couple of things you can do to help guide your animal home.
- Find out if there is anything at home keeping them away.
- Ask them if they know how to get home.
- Request that they make themselves available to be captured by another caring human, or request that they make a sound when someone trustworthy comes near where they are hiding.
- Let them know you are looking for them.
What an Animal Communicator Can’t Do:
Animals don’t read, so information about road signs is hard to come by. It would be nice if we could just give you an address where to go and pick up your beloved animal friend but alas….we have clues, tools, and guidance instead. In some locations where we get a strong sense of the animal, another clue or person in that location may be able to help you further.
Is my animal friend still alive?
Predicting whether your animal is still in a body, or has passed out of the body is only a 50-50 prediction. The reason? Animals show us they are running, sunning, and having a good old time doing all the fun things they used to do when they are out of their old ailing body. These pictures can be confusing but if their passing has been quick, they may not quite understand they’ve left their body behind. So sometimes, we get it wrong.
If your animal has passed on, and it will not serve you to find your animal’s body, no amount of searching is going to bring the body to you. Letting go completely of expectation or desire for that kind of closure is the only thing that will allow you to be guided to the body.
Changes in location every day/hour
Because of the fluid nature of the lost animal’s location and surroundings, and the emotionally difficult state of my clients when their animal goes missing, I offer a short, low-cost 15-minute session. For lost animals, 15 minutes’ worth of information is about all that’s available. I also recommend working with other animal communication specialists who may offer alternative feelings and perspectives on your lost animal’s location.
The limitations of telepathic communication for finding lost pets:
Animals can’t read road signs, so the information you will get in a session includes the direction your pet headed, how far from home he/she is, landmarks like a barn with a red roof, or church with a steeple, how your pet left the area (by car, walking, running), and other clues.
Animals will rarely return to an unhappy or abusive home, and sometimes they refuse to come back when there is one person in the house that does not want them there. Some animals become feral within a week of being on their own and some adventurous animals prefer the freedom of being ‘on the road.’
Settling into a new home
When animals are picked up and adopted, they often stay with the new family and don’t return, especially if their new family situation is a loving one. They need and desire love and security, but if they’re getting that, they’re less likely to return.
This is a session that lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.
We will contact you by text or e-mail to schedule your session. If you need immediate same-day service, please call about emergency availability first at (805) 540-9520. I’ll be able to let you know if I can drop everything on the agenda, and reschedule my day to accommodate you. Then purchase the emergency session as well as the length of time session you would like.
Lost Animal Stats
Pets are reunited with their owners about 50 to 75% of the time. These statistics are based on the number of people who contact me to let me know their pet is home safe.
“With fervent hopes and best wishes of reuniting you with your beloved pet.”
Suzan Vaughn
Please click on this link to sign up for a session with Suzan: