Dead or Alive?
The #1 question you want answered
when your animal is missing and why it’s
so hard for us to answer
My mentor, Penelope Smith, taught me that we can never really tell if an animal has passed on or not. In her vast experience, she had a session in which a lost dog kept on telling her he was right behind a white picket fence. Soon, the family found his body there, right behind the white picket fence. She saw his spirit pacing back and forth there as she tuned into the situation.
Recently, I had a client who was looking for her lost cat. I saw the cat alive when I checked but several days later she told me a man had called her with a sad report. He said he had just seen some of her fliers and that he had found her cat hit by a car and deceased days earlier.
For me, the number one answer people want when they set up an appointment with me for a missing pet is whether their animal is still alive and well. So I try and get as accurate a read on it as I can.
When an animal shows me that it is in an expanded form, huge and somewhat transparent, I assume they are in spirit. But that’s not the only thing this picture could mean. It could also mean the animal is outside of physical existence at the moment. It could be astral traveling, accomplishing a mission in another plane of existence. or even that the animal’s person needs to completely let go of the notion that they are in control of the animal’s path to death. Sometimes, when a person lets go of all angst, worry, expectation, and searching, the animal can then return.
This is one of the reasons I ask clients to read what it is I can do when it comes to lost animals. The information on my website says that life-or-death information has a 50% chance of being correct. People often miss that and it’s little comfort when one is stressed about a missing beloved pet.
I understand some Buddhist principles say that the spirit of the animal stays close to home and human family for about 10 days after death, and then moves on. However, contacting the animal’s spirit is no different for me before or after 10 days have passed, so I can’t say that’s true from my experience. And, unless I actually see a body, I would never give up on an animal for at least 2 months.
Since animals serve our highest good, they will engage in activities that will teach everyone something for the benefit of their own evolution. They are well aware that they can choose to reincarnate again, so they are less afraid of dying. They consider dying part of the physical experience of being embodied here in physical existence.
In the case of the client I am referencing here, having your animal’s life end as a result of being hit by a car can have a profound effect on many humans. In this case and many others, the driver of the car is being warned that if they don’t pay attention to their driving, a child could be next. This missing cat also participated in teaching his human that you can’t change any animal’s contract about how they will leave this plane. They make that deal before they get into a body and come here. It was an important lesson in letting go of expectations, which, according to the Buddhists, is one thing that can make us miserable. And it’s a high request, difficult for us to achieve.
Lost and missing animals is one of the most difficult services we provide as animal communication specialists. It is filled with grief, expectation and difficulty. Circumstances for these animals change from moment to moment. But most of us do our best to get some answers by offering the information that’s available at that moment in time.