“I’m all stretched out against this rough 2 by 4 inside the wall,” Kunda showed me, “and it feels great. I’m spending time alone and enjoying this varied texture against my skin.” The Ball Python was thought to be lost by his person, Suria, who was frantic to find her beloved reptilian companion. But as I sensed the mood of the snake, he was on vacation experiencing new textures that felt like a good old-fashioned scratch of the back. Heavenly!
A Happy Surprise
Kunda’s life had started as a happy surprise to Suria. Within the circle of snake dancers, a secret love relationship among performing snakes Shiva and Devaksha offered their human performers a surprising clutch of eight perfect eggs. And eventually, eight perfect baby snakes wriggled out of their nutritious shells into domestic aquarium life.
“I learned more about incubating and raising baby snakes than I ever thought that I would,” my client Suria told me.
“I love my babes and most of all by far I love Kunda. We have the strongest bond, and it feels like one from before this life,” she shared.
Kunda Takes Leave
But in early November, Kunda had disappeared out of a carrier. It was a month later, and Suria was moving into a new home in just 3 short weeks. She was losing sleep over worry that her snake was cold, hungry, lost and alone. And to make matters worse, hers was a two-story house with a thousand places in the walls to hide. And that is what it looked like when I peered out of Kunda’s eyes during the session.
Kunda reassured me that he was fine. He said to me more than once that he understood his people were moving soon and that he would reappear in time to go with them.
Still, I felt bad for Suria, who had contacted two other psychics, and all of us felt Kunda was still in the house. With a high level of anxiety, she had a hard time understanding that he needed this time away from all the other snakes, and to just be alone. Why would he put her through such angst?
Suria was so worried that Kunda would be cold she kept the heat on day and night. But Kunda reassured me that he was near a heat source and was alright. Still, she did not know what to do.
“I don’t feel you will be able to find him,” I told her as diplomatically as I could, “but I have to believe him when he says he will come out to find YOU in time for the move.” This was a leap of faith for all of us as nearly two weeks clicked by.
Time’s Up
Then came moving day. Kunda appeared.
“He came down through the portal in the floor of my room that leads down into the laundry. Toward the end of the day, I was standing there talking and looking right at him as he came out. It is pretty clear that he was waiting for me to be in that exact spot. I reached up and he leapt into my arms. Nothing short of a miracle,” she said, relieved.
Miracles Happen Everyday
Animal communication seems miraculous because it is ancient and new at the same time. But sometimes we are called to trust the voices of the animals when they tell us their exact intentions. It is on us to listen and believe.